William originates from two German words; willeo which means will and determination. The second word being helm meaning protection. Put together these words are willehelm and then it means "strong-willed warrior", "resolute protector"

Investor's Message

We consume more natural resources than the planet can regenerate. Technology can help us save the planet but more than anything, we must learn to value nature. This is not just doom and gloom, the risk is real.

It is time to focus on the solutions which we know exist or have the potential to be developed and this is where technology, along with behavioural change, can help us reboot the health of our nature and planet.

In this endeavour 'William Agro Science' will bring new technologies into the agriculture farming in the shape of advance Fertilizers and pesticides which will change the entire practice and make all the stakeholders move in the right direction towards a healthy and prosperous future.


Our aim is to bring sustainable technology which provides impetus to growing high quality yield and bring down Agriculture input cost alongwith protecting mother earth by reducing Carbon footprint.

We are committed to provide complete crop care solution from Sowing to harvesting.

Padamdeep Singh
Senior Director, Product Management
LAM Research, USA

Key Investor